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Arjun Rao

Founder and CEO

Syncremedies Healthcare Pvt Ltd

Arjun Rao

Arjun has 20+ years’ experience in Clinical Medicine, Quality Improvement/Clinical Redesign, Clinical Effectiveness, Population Health, Digital Health and Telemedicine.
Arjun has worked at Massachusetts General Hospital, Stanford Hospital, Yale New Haven health and Startups. He launched a startup, Syncremedies, which provides telemedicine coupled with Home Care to help patients achieve their healthcare goals effectively.
Arjun is passionate about driving positive clinical outcomes for patients by developing the “right” care models. He believes that Clinical Transformation (bringing evidence-based medicine to the bedside, leveraging technology, and developing effective and efficient processes) will help drive desired outcomes.
In addition, he advises Startups helping them with positioning and scaling. He is a Mentor at StartX Incubator (Stanford University’s spin off) and M7 Incubator.
He completed his Medical degree in India and got an MBA in Boston.

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